Wednesday, 25 February 2015

Filming location

As I will visiting London in two weeks, I have decided to film there as my sister will be with me. Additional scenes including a Library scene has been added to the storyboard so I will visit the library in order to film the rest. I have also added parts in the dark so before leaving on the Saturday to London, I will film these smaller scenes at my home on the Friday night.

Monday, 23 February 2015

Filming update

Last week I visited Bath Spa university where I stayed for two days, however, I had forgotten to take the camera with me. For the remaining week my sister (the main character) had gone away in a caravan for the rest of the week so I was unable to film then.

I plan to now create a new storyboard for the last little part of the movie trailer in order to have a clear idea of what to film once I have the chance to use the camera again.

Monday, 9 February 2015

Additional scenes

As for additional scenes to film, I have decided to add some more actions scenes. For example, some shots of the character running. As for speech scenes, I have decided to do another voiceover from  a diary entry from Juliet.

Filming Locations

For a university interview this weekend, I will be visiting Bath for two days. Due to this, I hope to film as the architecture is old and wary. I find this to be a good setting for my genre. As the actress will not be with me for filming,  I plan to do some simple scenery shots.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015


With the main characters being of similar age, I have decided on my audience to be aimed towards teens and young adults. As most book to movie adaptations are now reaching a younger audience with the dystopian genre, I have decided to do the same.


This is a video I have created in Adobe Flash Animation. This will be used in my movie trailer as the productions name. I have created it first in Photoshop where I had a transparent background for one 'W'. I then made this video by using key frames to move the production name on a black screen to which I then converted into a (mov.) file.

Movie poster progress

With my current movie poster, with addition to the research on dystopian movie posters. I have decided to restart the poster in order to fit the genres criteria. I have decided to do this with an action shot to which the background is more converse than the actual character image.

front cover style models

As for the movie magazine cover, I have been looking at potential style models. I have been looking at the magazine 'EMPIRE'. I have found that the conventions of the main image is either a scene taken from the movie or a shot from head on.

Movie poster style models

With the thriller/ dystopian genre for my movie trailer, I have been looking at potential style models for my movie poster. With the two genre I have found recurring themes. With the thriller posters, I have found that there is only one character and is usually a profile shot. With dystopian movie posters, there is usually one or more characters and is usually a full body shot. This also includes a themed background as well that is featured in the movie.

I have decided to go with the more dystopian looking trailer as it looks like the movie has more action rather than a thriller poster that makes the movie look serious and a potential horror.

Thriller posters

Dystopian posters

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

movie poster

This image now has the saturation changed to make the image look darker. The flooring on the image has has another image over it of stones and the occupancy has been changed to allow some of the original colour to come through.

Movie poster

This is the original beginning image for the movie trailer poster. I took this photograph on a Canon Coolpix camera. It was shot in a corner as this would make is easier for further editing on the image.

This image is the same background as the original. However, the background has been stretched with the smudge tool in order to extend the room to fit the size of the page. I then added paint in a similar colour and a spray tool to create shadow on the walls. 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Beginning voiceover script

I have decided to follow the blurb of the book that I am basing my trailer off, in regards to the voiceover script. This will be used along side the beginning of the trailer. At the beginning it will be the psychiatrist contradicting the main character Juliet.

Psy: Juliet...what do you think is wrong with you?
Jul: I have...this...curse
Psy: Juliet, its a gift
Jul: I'm a monster
Psy: Your simply more than human
Jul: My touch is lethal
Psy: Your touch is power
Jul: I'm a weapon for them
Psy: Then fight back


I plan to have the characters speak through a voiceover so that it can flow in and out of scenes. These three characters will include the main character Juliet, a psychiatrist and the main male, Warner. My sister will be the part of Juliet, my friend Jasmin will be the psychiatrist and Warners voiceover is still un-decided.